Italian With Videos

Learn Italian with songs: Malyka Ayane – “La Prima Cosa Bella”

You may be surprised to find out how easier it is to practice a language when instead of grammar books and papers, we choose music.

If you are a beginner… don’t panic – you don’t need to know the meaning of every single word, because you can also work on your listening skills + pronunciation and nothing more. Just sing along (don’t be embarassed to do so!) and you will see that those words heard in the song will stick to your head with their correct pronunciation. It works if you imitate the singer, trust me! 😉


Today I’m giving you a fill-in-the-gaps with Malyka Ayane‘s version of the 1970 song “La Prima Cosa Bella” (click to watch). It is a good one because the words are simple, the verbs to find are infinitive, and the song slow-paced.

Level: A1

chiedo,           cuore,                fiore,                        imparare,      chitarra,            suono,          dire,                cantare,             cosa bella,             amore

Ho preso la ________
e suono per te
il tempo di _________
non l’ho e non so suonare ma _______ per te.

La senti questa voce
chi canta e` il mio _________ amore ________ amore
e` quello che so _______
ma tu mi capirai.

I prati sono in ________ profumi anche tu
ho voglia di morire non posso piu`________ non_______ di piu`.

La prima __________
che ho avuto dalla vita
e` il tuo sorriso giovane, sei tu. Tra gli alberi una stella
la notte si e` schiarita
il cuore innamorato sempre piu`

sempre piu`



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