How do you talk about the weather in Italian?
First of all, weather is called “tempo”, the same word that we use for “time”.
Tempo = “wather” and “time”.
Here is a list of phrases that will teach you how to do that:
1) Che tempo fa? / Com’è il tempo? = what’s the weather like?
i.g: “Com’è il tempo da te?”
2) Fa freddo (fa molto freddo; fa freddissimo): it’s cold
Fa caldo: it’s hot
3) Piove / Sta piovendo: it’s raining
C’è un temporale: there’s a thunderstorm
4) Nevica / sta nevicando: it’s snowing
5) C’è vento: it’s windy
6) è nuvoloso: it’s cloudy
I have prepared an interactive activity for you to practice these phrases once you study this list, and a second one with the phrases in the context of a dialogue! 🙂